Islands of southern Thailand, also known as "paradise" islands known belong to the most popular destinations in the world. More than 12 million tourists visited Thailand in 2005, and most of them had left the Bangkok International Airport immediately after their arrival and headed straight for the islands of the south. Some visitors were surprised at stories of people who were in the atmosphere of unforgettable charm of the islands captured fascinated, some of them were takenby images they saw on the net, while others were convinced, in the words of their travel agent that suits Thai Islands were indeed the final destination for all tastes, age, personality type and budget. This may partially explain the massive flow of honeymooners, tourists, families on holiday, party-goers, divers and many other islands in Thailand each year.
However, the inexperienced traveler Thailand unconscious that a holiday is not satisfactorycinch, even in a place called Paradise Nick Iceland. To be successful, fun and rewarding, you need to plan your vacation carefully. Unfamiliar destinations often hide little known secrets that keep doing the enormous potential that the desired positive change in your holiday.
In this article are the biggest mistakes are made before and during your visit to the Thai islands. Compliance or violation of the five amendments below, can literally make or break yourHoliday in the south islands of Thailand.
First mistake 1: Select the holiday island spontaneously. Images Web tropical islands, often make it look like your almost identical. The inexperienced traveler may assume that no matter where you go in Southern Thailand Islands - meet in the same picturesque beach with white sand, turquoise water and a single coconut tree. Falling in the illusion image when choosing your island holiday of pure instinct cana very disappointing if the final destination of 'island do not meet your needs, your personality or expectations at all. To avoid this error, you define the preferences of first-hand dedicated to research before choosing your goal, gathering information about Travel Guide in addition to using the Internet. How to choose the island that suits your needs, we listen carefully to the following points:
Others The level of tourism development. Some travelersislands as their dependents) with tourism facilities (such as Phuket, Koh Samui, while others prefer the classic touch of "old school" touch isolated (ie, Koh Phangan, Khao Lak).
b. Nightlife - Phuket, Koh Samui and Krabi, to a lesser extent, in a lively nightlife, while Koh Phi Phi and Koh Tao are quiet and sleepy.
c. Dive Sites - Koh Phi Phi and Koh Tao offers the best dive sites in southern Thailand.
d. The predominant level of accommodation. PhuketKoh Phi Phi offers an immense variety of luxury hotels, while Koh Phangan and Koh Tao most basic (not necessarily low standard) provides accommodation.
Second error 2: Assuming that the holidays can be an ideal place for a very low. Some travelers often mistakenly thought that Thailand as a country with low rates of economic development we sell everything, including the highest standards of admission ridiculous. This is partly true, as the local tourism industrysuggests a low-cost travel options for backpackers. But the pampered tourists used to enjoy luxury Westernized find the road difficult, for its expectations will cover expenses, which are suitable for what is offered. To avoid this serious error and correct deviations from the planned budget - Do your research on price differentials in the south of Thailand to reach the islands. For example, you should know that staying in some islands (i.e. Koh Phi Phi) should be more expensive, while the other islands (eg, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao) can be significantly cheaper. To avoid disappointment on this expenditure, I strongly recommend the following guidelines:
Others Do you plan a budget based on estimates of someone else, especially if that person visits to the islands in Thailand many years ago, spent the holidays in an island other than you, much younger than you decided / or preferably adifferences in living standards.
b. An informed decision about the desired level of accommodation. The basic arrangement of a clean room with air conditioning and western style bathroom contains, can be booked at a relatively low, except at ridiculous price. In contrast, a luxury accommodation (the type of accommodation is quite common in Phuket and Koh Samui) can be as expensive as hotels in your neighbor.
c. Although the revision of ratespossible on the Internet - the price of food must be carefully evaluated, as well. Do not assume that no matter where you eat - the food is cheap. During my first visit to Thailand, I was very surprised to receive a check for the same value in my country. I now know that the South Island of Thailand offers a variety of western style restaurants with prices in Western style. Therefore, before a well-designed restaurant - check the menu to make it clear, and the budgetConsideration.
Third Mistake 3: Choose your beach vacation this is spontaneous. Comparable to an error number - easy to fix, but probably because the beaches scan on the target server is easier and cheaper than other logistical check other islands. However, the beach of "wrong choice, you feel that you are not the full potential of your holiday, exploited, or you have wasted a substantial part of it. For example, in my first visit in Koh Phangan I found twoDays before the end of my vacation that my beach is perfect across the island. The following tips may help you avoid a similar situation:
Others The crowd and the more developed beaches on most islands are close to the airport (if there is an airport in your own island) or a major port.
b. If you prefer nature above the beaches - are aware that some of them, especially in Koh Samui and Phuket, not familyfriendly.
c. The school, located in a quiet and picturesque beaches are always the other side of the island. If the "old school" beach is what you want - do not give up, even if the way Thailand was long and tiring, and trying to make a small effort to make the island on the way to the opposite side of the cross, will be useful for you.
Fourth Error 4: Western emphasis on food. Some of us tend to worry about food, experimenting with an alien. Thai touristsThe industry is aware of this fact, then, the supply of Western-style restaurants in Southern Thailand Islands is enormous. Besides this, to postpone, these restaurants could be a serious mistake because the prices are for western cuisine, much higher than those who lose in authentic local restaurants, and worse, one of the most important experiences of Thai culture - the higher Thai cuisine, probably one of the best in the world. To avoid this error does notHesitation entering small restaurants with ridiculously neglected interior, plastic cards and exposed walls. These restaurant owners' are probably the worst marketing - but generally are superior cooks. meal in one of these restaurants is often incredibly cheap, tasty and above all fresh ingredients sizzle. You dream of these meals long after they leave the island.
Fifth error 5: For your big business houses on an island that could only beAccess by sea. A large bag is [much cheaper in Europe] with him can pack everything you need can be easily done through these small wheels, and makes you look very representative. However, a large suitcase on Koh Phangan and Koh Tao is not something I would recommend. Platforms in the pillars are very narrow and sometimes unstable. So if you're really lucky - your big suitcase will be safe. If you are a bit 'less fortunate - may fallin water. If you're short of luck - you can fall into the water along with the suitcase. I think a backpack seriously your best bet. Just for the record, the huge trunk, which was taken by me on his first trip to Koh Phangan was somewhere in the jungle, from left to frighten the local monkeys.
So the next time the idea of heading the islands of Thailand through the mind, as tempting as it is, try not to succumb to gossip and fascinating images. Extensive researchSecurity planning and may take considerable time and effort on your part, but it is more useful.